Welcome to the New England Master Track Program

The Proven Track Record™ 

Click HERE for Registration Information for Master Track XIV. 

Starting March 2025.

What is the New England Master Track Program?

NEMTP was developed in 1991 to easily and effectively meet the hands-on continuing education requirement for AGD Mastership.

Since the program's inception, a new Master Track group starts, consisting of approximately 25-30 participants, every 2 1/2 years and goes through a series of 10 courses to fulfill the 360-hour mandatory and 40-hour elective discipline participation requirements.

How often and where do we meet?

Programs are given in the spring and fall of each year over a period of 5 years in Nashua, NH--with a final presentation at the eleventh session.  

What is the format of the courses?

Each course starts on Friday and ends on Sunday. The first two days are devoted to lecture on a specific discipline or set of disciplines. The third day is spent presenting the results of your course assignment from the previous meeting.  Many members meet on Thursday evenings on our private floor lounge to socialize, discuss, network and relax.

How many hours will I earn?

Generally, you will spend 8 hours in a lecture on both Friday and Saturday and 4+ hours on Sunday reviewing the presentations. Participants can earn up to 20 hours. If the homework and the presentation are successfully completed participants can earn up to 20 more hours.  The total number of hours earned for each session is 16-40 hours.  

Why go for your Mastership, and why do it through the NEMTP?

If you are already an AGD Fellow you know the value of continuing education. Mastership in the AGD not only commands respect, and the prestige associated with advancing your dental education to the highest AGD level, it also equips you with the most up-to-date knowledge in those areas of dentistry most applicable to providing comprehensive care.

NEMTP provides you with outstanding, University-based instructors, from area dental schools such as BU, Harvard, Tufts, and UCONN, as well as other nationally recognized leaders in their field, who give a complete series of hands-on courses. These courses meet all the required participation credits for AGD Mastership in a close-knit, study group environment. These programs are often difficult to find on an individual basis and would require more time and expense if done outside of a standardized format.

How many dentists have achieved Fellowship and Mastership? 

Less than 5% of practicing general dentists in the United States have achieved Fellowship, and less than 1% of practicing general dentists in the United States have achieved Mastership. 

How much does it cost?

The NEMTP tuition is $1,200 per session ($2,400 annually, as there is always a March and September session typically on the 3rd weekend), for a total of ten sessions (three-day course series) and a final presentation day.  This is exclusive of room and board. The per hour cost of this continuing education experience is a real bargain.  This is especially true if you consider the quality of the courses and the pearls one always picks up talking with other dentists in a closed environment! Because NEMTP is a study group format, it must be emphasized that once you join the Track, you will be financially obligated whether you can attend a particular weekend or not.  If you are local and choose to not stay at the hotel, there will be a fee to cover the hotel expenses incurred for hosting the Master Track meeting paid by all members, equaling a night's stay. If more members stay at the hotel, it benefits our speaker and would be appreciated! See new member registration link for more details.

Who is eligible?

Any member of the AGD who is progressing towards or has obtained a Fellowship status may subscribe to this package. Most members come from New England and New York but the program is also offered to residents of Eastern Canada.

What happens afterward?

Any member of the NEMTP who has completed 2 1/2 years of the program is eligible to apply for membership in the New England Masters Study Club. However, the Master Track program does not guarantee a Mastership Award.  It simply provides participation credits for many of the requirements for Mastership.  For more information, click on http://www.nemsc.org/about.html

Contact Information

Please use this link to contact us.

Build life-long friendships and professional ties while progressing towards your Mastership! 

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